ZipGrade is sold as a per-teacher subscription. There are two methods of purchasing ZipGrade for use by others at your school:
Purchase License Codes via Using a Credit Card
Login at with a free ZipGrade Cloud user. The account page contains the link to purchase as many ZipGrade License Codes (previously referred to as "Purchase Codes") as needed. Distribute these codes to your team so they can redeem them at the website. Each teacher will need to create a ZipGrade Cloud user through the website or the app. The teachers download the free app from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store and login with their ZipGrade Cloud usernames to enable their device(s) with their subscription. The current price for purchase codes is $6.99 USD for each 1 year subscription code.
Purchase License Codes via a Purchase Order
Please read this page for more information on using a purchase order to order License Codes (previously referred to as "Purchase Codes") to allow others at your schools to enable their ZipGrade accounts.
Teachers may also purchase their own subscription through in-app purchases within the application or via the website using a credit card. License Codes must be redeemed within one year of purchase.