Getting Started with ZipGrade (iPhone/iPad) from ZipGrade
1. Print Answer Sheets
- Print out answer sheets from
2. Create Quiz and Key
- On the 'Quizzes' screen in the mobile app, press 'New' in the upper-right.
- Give the quiz a meaningful name, select the answer sheet, and click 'Create Quiz' to arrive at the 'Quiz Menu'
- Press 'Edit Key'. Either scan a known good answer sheet or enter the correct answers for each question. Press 'Done' when complete.
3. Grade Papers
- Press 'Scan Papers' to start grading.
- Grade papers by aligning the 4 corner squares on the paper in the 4 viewfinders on the screen.
- The app will vibrate or make a camera sound when the image is acquired.
- Press done to go to 'Review Papers' or 'Item Analysis'.
4. Review Results
- Press 'Review Papers' to see the results and review each paper.
- Press 'Item Analysis' to see statistics for each question.
- Only questions with answers will be graded. Therefore, you can create quizzes of any size.
- If using an iPad, be sure it is not muted. This is usually the switch next to the volume control. Otherwise you won't know when a page is graded.