Why is the class field blank on CSV export?


In ZipGrade, all exports are based on the quiz object.  The quiz may be connected to at most one class.  

The class field on the CSV export shows the name of the class connected to this quiz.  If the quiz is not connected to a class, then this field is blank.

To connect a quiz to a class:

  • Select the quiz from the list of quizzes or press 'Create New Quiz'
  • Press the 'edit' button in the upper-right of the quiz menu
  • On this page you may change: Name of the quiz, the class connected to the quiz, and the answer sheet form expected for this quiz.

If you are administering the same quiz to multiple classes and need to differentiate by class, you will need to create a separate quiz record for each class.  Create the first quiz normally, then press the 'copy quiz' button to create a replica with the same key already defined.


In the future, I hope to include an additional 'student class' field into the export that will show the class(es) that the student is in, regardless of the 'quiz class' selection.



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