How do I NOT sync data to the servers?

Under normal use, ZipGrade will sync data from your local device to the central, secure ZipGrade Cloud servers.  Per our Privacy Policy, data is encrypted while in transit and while in storage.  No data is shared with any 3rd parties nor is used for marketing or advertising purposes.  


However, if you do not want any data to leave your device, here's how to disable the sync process:

1. From any web browser, go to

2. Click on your username in upper-right and select 'My Account'

3. Scroll to bottom to find link to disable syncing.


The consequence of not syncing are:

  • No backup:  If anything happens to your device, you may lose your data. 
  • No ZipGrade Cloud access: The website cannot be used to access data, import students, or run reports.
  • No multi-device sync: The data will only be available on the single device.

WARNING: ZipGrade data is not backed up to iCloud or other iOS backups.  It is ONLY backed up via the ZipGrade Cloud servers.  If syncing is disabled, you will not be able to restore your data for any reason-- including purchasing a new phone or restoring a corrupted database.

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