Note: ZipGrade offers both 'Open' and 'Verified' submission of online answer sheets. To learn about the difference and determine which is best suited for your needs, please review:
Can I administer a quiz to remote students? Can ZipGrade be used paperless?
To Enable the Student Portal:
- Login to from your desktop browser
- On the 'My Account' screen, find the panel named 'Student Portal'
- If the portal is not enabled, press the button labeled 'Enable Student Portal'
To Find and Distribute Student Access Codes:
Each student will need to know their Student ID number and their Student Access Code. These values should only be given to that student and not shared across students. You will need to use whatever method you have for communication with students to distribute these codes just once to each student.
When the 'Student Portal' is enabled, the Student Access Codes and Student ID numbers will be shown on the 'Students' tab on the website.
You may download a CSV file containing these values using the 'Export Students as CSV' button
To Schedule a Quiz for Your Students:
- If you are not already, login to from your desktop browser
- Click on the 'Quizzes' tab and select the quiz you wish to schedule
- Click the 'View/Edit Remote Testing Options' button
- Click the 'Create New Quiz Assignment' Button.
- Make your option selections:
- Class: Which class should receive this assignment. A separate assignment is needed for each class
- Assignment Available Start: The date and time should students be able to start this quiz
- Assignment Available End: The last date and time a student may begin this quiz
- Time Limit: The number of minutes a student should be allowed to complete this quiz.
- If the student goes over time, their session is automatically submitted at the end of the time limit.
- If the student has abandoned the quiz session, their form will be automatically submitted with their answers as completed before they left
- Show Score on Completion: Show overall score on this quiz
- Show Marks on Completion: Indicate which questions were marked correct, incorrect, or received partial credit
- Submit Limit: How many times may a student submit an answer sheet for this quiz?
- Additional Instructions: This is a free-form entry area that will show to the student just before they begin taking the quiz.
- Click 'Create New Quiz Assignment'
For Students:
- Instruct students to go to the Student Portal: or
- Students should enter their assigned Student ID number and Student Access Code in the boxes provided.
- Once logged in, students will see all assigned quizzes and be able to start those that are within their availability time window.