Note: ZipGrade offers both 'Open' and 'Verified' submission of online answer sheets. To learn about the difference and determine which is best suited for your needs, please review:
Can I administer a quiz to remote students? Can ZipGrade be used paperless?
To Enable a Quiz For Online 'Open' Submission
- Login to from your desktop browser
- Click on the 'Quizzes tab
- Click on the quiz you wish to administer (or click 'New Quiz' to define a new quiz and keys)
- Click the 'View/Edit Remote Testing Options'
- Click the 'Enable Open Remote Quiz' if not already enabled
- Optionally upload a PDF document that will show to students.
- Optionally enable/disable the auto-submit of abandoned papers. By default, any session that is started will result in a paper in the 'Graded Papers' section. 'auto-submit of abandoned papers' will allow partially completed papers to be submitted if a student loses internet connection or leaves the quiz for any reason. However, this may result in a papers that may need to be manually deleted by you in the 'Graded Papers' section.
- Copy and paste the bold URL and distribute this to your students to allow them to take the quiz.
How To Take an 'Open' Submission Quiz as a Student
Note: The ZipGrade website has been built to support the most recent versions of modern browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, and Edge. It does not fully support Internet Explorer.
- In your browser, copy/paste the URL provided by your teacher into the address bar
- Follow the prompts to enter your name and (if available) your student ID number. These are the same values you would place into a physical ZipGrade answer sheet form
- Take the quiz just as you would a physical ZipGrade form:
- Darken your answers for each question
- Leave unused questions blank
- Press the 'Review and Submit to Teacher' button when done.
- Press the 'Submit to Teacher' button to complete the quiz
- A confirmation screen will appear with an image of your virtual ZipGrade answer sheet. Depending on the teacher's selections, you may see your score and/or which questions you answered correctly.