How to use 'Open' submission to administer a quiz to students online

Note: ZipGrade offers both 'Open' and 'Verified' submission of online answer sheets.  To learn about the difference and determine which is best suited for your needs, please review: 

Can I administer a quiz to remote students? Can ZipGrade be used paperless?

To Enable a Quiz For Online 'Open' Submission

  1. Login to from your desktop browser
  2. Click on the 'Quizzes tab
  3. Click on the quiz you wish to administer (or click 'New Quiz' to define a new quiz and keys)
  4. Click the 'View/Edit Remote Testing Options'
  5. Click the 'Enable Open Remote Quiz' if not already enabled
  6. Optionally upload a PDF document that will show to students.
  7. Optionally enable/disable the auto-submit of abandoned papers.  By default, any session that is started will result in a paper in the 'Graded Papers' section.  'auto-submit of abandoned papers' will allow partially completed papers to be submitted if a student loses internet connection or leaves the quiz for any reason.  However, this may result in a papers that may need to be manually deleted by you in the 'Graded Papers' section.
  8. Copy and paste the bold URL and distribute this to your students to allow them to take the quiz.

How To Take an 'Open' Submission Quiz as a Student

Note: The ZipGrade website has been built to support the most recent versions of modern browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, and Edge.  It does not fully support Internet Explorer.

  1. In your browser, copy/paste the URL provided by your teacher into the address bar
  2. Follow the prompts to enter your name and (if available) your student ID number.  These are the same values you would place into a physical ZipGrade answer sheet form
  3. Take the quiz just as you would a physical ZipGrade form:
    1. Darken your answers for each question
    2. Leave unused questions blank
  4. Press the 'Review and Submit to Teacher' button when done.
  5. Press the 'Submit to Teacher' button to complete the quiz
  6. A confirmation screen will appear with an image of your virtual ZipGrade answer sheet.  Depending on the teacher's selections, you may see your score and/or which questions you answered correctly.



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