ZipGrade App (Android)
- ★ My custom form isn't showing in the mobile app (Android)
- ★ How do I get started with ZipGrade?
- ★ ZipGrade isn't recognizing an answer sheet? It won't scan!
- Android Users Without Access to the Google Play Store
- ZipGrade isn't syncing or not able to login to the mobile app.
- How do I control the volume of the shutter/flash sound when scanning?
- How to delete a graded paper?
- How do I connect multiple classes to a single quiz?
- Can I use a credit card to purchase ZipGrade?
- What are my options if my student ID is more than 5 digits?
- Error when purchasing from Google Play (RPC:S-7:AEC-0)
- How do I download ZipGrade for Android?
- What lighting conditions work best?
- How do I enter/edit/import students?
- Is an 'always-on' internet connection required to use ZipGrade?
- What do the different colored circles mean?
- How do I delete a quiz?